Pull Up A Chair – Healthy Eating Song Download
Tackling the TV dinner head on, this up tempo song celebrates sitting on a chair – at a table. A healthy eating song with a different slant, this has wonderful lyrics that your children will relate to, such as “What have you got to lose, maybe half an hour of Eastenders and a little bit of National News!”It’s a great healthy eating song for a school wide project – along with several other song library songs such as… Greens with Attitude andante Five a Day . Musically it has a really ‘big’ feel that could be used to end a performance, with great part singing opportunities that really are accessible by Key Stage 2 and 3 children!Download contains; Sheet Music PDF, Vocal Lines PDF, Lyrics PDF, Teaching Notes, Performace MP3 & Instrumental MP3.How does The Song Library work?1. Add songs to the basket and complete the order process.2. You will receive an email to confirm your order with a link to your files.3. Download the files and use them within your school
If you are a primary teacher without a music background, don’t worry. All song library music comes with simple teaching notes, backing tracks (so no need for a pianist) and performance tracks (for you to understand how the song should sound). The word sheets can be printed out and given to the children – however, we try to include powerpoint words wherever you can as this can help children to look up as they are singing. For more tips on teaching children to sing, please visit our blog article on ‘Teaching singing in junior school’ – a good starting guide to teaching singing for teachers that don’t!
How does The Song Library work?
- Add songs to the basket and complete the order process.
- You will receive an email to confirm your order with a link to your files.
- Download the files and use them within your school.