Lost In Space – Download


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SKU: LIB019.
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This is the perfect, short song to start rounds with early Key Stage 2 (especially popular with the boys!) “Hello Control can you hear me? There’s a technical hitch in the solar system.” – the lyrics are fun and very easy to learn – so your children should be able to pick it up quickly without needing the words. This shows that splitting the group and teaching rounds doesn’t have to be difficult.Download contains; Sheet Music PDF, Lyrics PDF, Teaching Notes, Performace MP3 & Instrumental MP3.How does The Song Library work?1. Add songs to the basket and complete the order process.2. You will receive an email to confirm your order with a link to your files.3. Download the files and use them within your school

How does The Song Library work?

  1. Add songs to the basket and complete the order process.
  2. You will receive an email to confirm your order with a link to your files.
  3. Download the files and use them within your school.