A Flower in Winter – Download


SKU: LIB047.

A beautiful Christmas song for children

This beautiful Christmas tune is tells the story of a difficult journey and how strength and beauty carries you through. In unison throughout. This is a great song to get the children to think about the phrase structure (a phrase is what we decide to sing in one breath – linking to literacy). Good for both religious and non-religious celebrations, this doesn’t make specific reference to the Bible of Jesus.

This song is written for Key Stages 2, 3 and even 4 with these purposes in mind.

1. It should be enjoyable enough for the children to want to sing it.2. It allows the children to concentrate on diction throughout.

Download contains;

Sheet Music PDF, Lyrics PDF, Powerpoint, Teaching Notes, Performace MP3 & Instrumental MP3.

How does The Song Library work?

1. Add songs to the basket and complete the order process. 2. You will receive an email to confirm your order with a link to your files. 3. Download the files and use them within your school

How does The Song Library work?

  1. Add songs to the basket and complete the order process.
  2. You will receive an email to confirm your order with a link to your files.
  3. Download the files and use them within your school.